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Blumenwiese vor Hettich Gebäude

Because sustainability is close to our heart.

Act today, think of tomorrow

ACT TODAY - THINK OF TOMORROW. This is what it is all about. in Hettich. As a 4th generation family-owned company, sustainability is an essential part of our corporate culture. With our actions today, we want to ensure that there is a resourceful tomorrow for all of us. Our aim is to link business success with environmental, social and civic responsibility.

We care for each other

Social responsibility

This is about everything we do for each other internally. At Hettich, people are paramount. Health and safety at work are our top priority. Variety and equal opportunities are part of our corporate culture. Committed to good apprenticeship training, we ourselves take care of securing the rising generation of competent staff.

Vor einem Produktionsschrank steht eine Comicfigur zum Thema Safety Excellence bei Hettich

Social responsibility

Safety Excellence

Successful occupational health and safety management at Hettich requires safety-conscious behaviour from everyone, as around 80% of accidents are caused by behavioural errors. With the Safety Excellence method, we continuously reduce accidents through behaviour-based safety measures. Since 2007, this method has significantly reduced accident-related downtime. Workshops and our leading figure Safety promote safe behaviour.

Person zum Thema Gesundes Arbeiten bei Hettich.

Social responsibility

Health scouts

Our network for Healthy Working aims to move into the future together in a healthy way and to focus on physical and mental health. Colleagues from various departments and locations act as health scouts. They inform about offers, initiate health events and manage target group-specific projects.

Personen auf Fahrrädern vor dem Hettich-Gebäude

Social responsibility


We offer the opportunity with JobRad to lease a bicycle via deferred compensation. Cycling keeps you fit, clears your head and is environmentally friendly. People who leave their cars at home and ride their bicycles to work will improve their carbon footprint and protect the environment. We currently have more than 800 bikes in use.

Person mit Kamera zum Thema Spende dein Talent

Social responsibility

Donate your talent

What makes Hettich so valuable are the people. With Donate your talent, we encourage our colleagues to contribute their unique talents - which initially have nothing to do with their own tasks at Hettich.

Donate your talent

Winner of the HR Innovation Award 2022

We take care of others

Responsibility to society

Here it's about what we do for people externally. As a responsible member of society, the company makes our financial and material donations to promote education and science, art, culture and social issues. At the Hettich locations, the company provides support through sponsoring activities and by promoting the voluntary activities of colleagues.

Kinder und Erwachsene vor einem Feuerwehrfahrzeug zum Thema Hettich Ehrenamt

Responsibility to society

Hettich volunteers

Many Hettich colleagues are involved as volunteers in social welfare projects worldwide. From the youth fire brigade to the sports club to the singing group, there is a lot on offer. As a company, we support this initiative financially every year.

Jugendliche in einer Arbeitssituation zum Thema experiMINT

Responsibility to society


As a member of the experiMINT association, we organise annual camps for technology enthusiasts at our Kirchlengern site. This initiative aims to inspire and encourage young people to take up technical and scientific professions.

Gebäude Schulungsinstitut „Hettich Poddar Woodworking Institute" in Indien

Responsibility to society

Hettich Poddar WoodWorking Institute in India.

With the Hettich Poddar Woodworking Institute, we are investing in the training and further education of local carpenters in India - in a country where vocational training is not as important as in Germany, for example.

2 Personen stehen vor einer Wand mit dem Motiv "Stiftung Studienfonds OWL".

Responsibility to society

The East Westphalia Lippe Study Funds Foundation

Hettich supports the OWL Study Fund Foundation, which provides material and non-material support to students in East Westphalia-Lippe, establishes a network between sponsors and sponsored students and strengthens OWL as a university and business location. In addition to financial support, we offer opportunities for internships, mentoring and participation in Hettich workshops.

We care for the environment

Environmental responsibility

As part of our environmental responsibility, we do our part to conserve the Earth's resources for future generations. Our main environmental priorities are energy and resource efficiency and the reduction of climate-damaging emissions in production and infrastructure.

EMAS We are improving our environmental performance - as proven by the world's most stringent environmental management system. Hettich is the only leading manufacturer of furniture fittings to meet the voluntary, stringent EU requirements laid down in EMAS - and doing so for 25 years.
Personen vor dem Gebäude Hettich Forum in Kirchlengern
On the way to green Steel We have started our future journey towards green steel. In a pilot project the company sourced cold-rolled coils from German production with a reduced CO2 footprint for our Sensys range of concealed hinges. The first quality tests were promising.
Menschen in einer Produktionshalle zum Thema Grüner Stahl
Wild flower and bee project Biodiversity is an important factor in keeping the earth inhabitable for us and future generations. We promote biodiversity at our sites - for example by creating habitats for insects or through tree planting campaigns.
Blumenwiese vor einem Hettich Gebäude
Renewable Energies Since 2021, we have been sourcing 100% of our electricity from renewable energy sources at all German production and logistics sites and increasingly also at our foreign sites. We are continuously reducing environmentally harmful emissions with other committed measures such as the expansion of photovoltaic systems, the use of heat pumps and heat recovery or the expansion of e-mobility and charging infrastructure.
Person an einer Ladestation für Elektroautos vor dem Hettich Forum
ENERGY EFFICIENT ARCHITECTURE Sustainable building concepts are an important part of our ecological responsibility. Awards such as the Green Building Award or the Best Practice Energy Efficiency are testimony to this.
Hettich Gebäude aus der Luft fotografiert
Sustainable Packaging solutions Recyclable materials, reusable packaging and the avoidance of composite packaging materials - our packaging engineers minimise packaging costs according to the criteria avoid, use, recycle.
Verpackungskartons in der Logistikhalle von Hettich

Sustainability Report

With our fourth voluntary sustainability report, we provides an insight into its sustainability strategy, measures implemented and planned, and successes and challenges along the way.

Open Sustainability Report
Menschen vor Pflanzen

Basis for Sustainable business management


As a family business, our strategies are always aimed at sustained existence and not short term success. Compliance with laws, regulations and internal voluntary commitments is our top priority. Legality and integrity in our actions are the basis for trust, credibility and long-term success.

As part of our compliance management system, it is essential for us to recognise potential violations at an early stage and to be able to counteract them. For this purpose, we have set up a secure whistleblower portal.

Sustainability principles: We have documented our responsibility as part of our sustainability strategy in our sustainability principles.

Code of conduct: We are committed to ethical business practices and we make sure that every colleague is empowered to do the right thing on a daily basis.

Charta der Vielfalt: On signing the Diversity Charter, Hettich undertakes to create a working environment free from prejudice and exclusion.

Whistleblower portal: Our whistleblower portal can be used to report possible violations of legal regulations or voluntary commitments by our group of companies - even anonymously.

Menschen stehen sich lachend gegenüber
Bronzefigur mit Waage als Symbol der Gerechtigkeit
Vielfalt, Collage von Personen

Responsibility in the supply chain

In accordance with the principle Protecting what is important to us together, the protection of people and the environment is a central concern for us, whether within our group of companies or throughout our entire value chain.

We have set out our values and the associated expectations of our suppliers and service providers in our Supplier Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for Suppliers We involve our business partners in the development of ethical standards and in the establishment of social, economic and environmental responsibility.

Policy statement Our human rights and environmental due diligence in accordance with the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG)

Hettich UK Modern Slavery Act Statement Our statement on slavery and human trafficking under the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015

Detailaufnahme der Produktion bei Hettich
  • Environmental Statement

    • Environmental Statement 2024 - for Kirchlengern/Bünde

      Environmental protection, the protection of our employees' health and the conservation of all resources are part of our goals in the pursuit of economic success., PDF, 5 MB

    • Environmental Statement 2024 Hettich Umformtechnik GmbH & Co.KG

      Environmental protection, the protection of our employees' health and the conservation of all resources are part of our goals in the pursuit of economic success., PDF, 2 MB

    • Environmental Statement 2024 - Hettich Franke GmbH & Co. KG

      Environmental protection, the protection of our employees' health and the conservation of all resources are part of our goals in the pursuit of economic success., PDF, 3 MB

    • Environmental Statement 2024 - Druck- und Spritzguss; werk Hettich GmbH & Co. KG

      Environmental protection, the protection of our employees' health and the conservation of all resources are part of our goals in the pursuit of economic success., PDF, 2 MB

    • Validación de la Declaración Ambiental (EMAS) 2023

      PDF, 1 MB

  • Certificates

    • DIN EN ISO 50001:2018 - Hettich-Heinze GmbH & Co. KG

      PDF, 82 KB

    • DIN EN ISO 50001:2018 - Hettich ONI GmbH & Co. KG

      PDF, 85 KB

    • EMAS Certificate - Kirchlengern/Bünde

      PDF, 80 KB